What is RTM Protocol™?
Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories Protocol (RTM Protocol™) is a neurological intervention that dissociates clients from their traumatic memory and then re-images visual format elements of the memory such as color, speed, direction, etc. and in doing so, neurologically separates the memory from its traumatic feelings.
What scientific studies support the efficacy of RTM Protocol™?
Four studies with a total of 160 subjects has shown RTM Protocol™ to be effective in reducing Post Traumatic Stress symptoms to below PSS-I-% clinical threshold in 92% of subjects. No other treatment has achieved these research results. (Please find seven research papers publishing these studies here.link)
What other approaches is RTM Protocol™ like?
RTM Protocol™ is unlike other approaches because it is:
How many treatments does RTM Protocol™ take?
The research protocol used three sessions on the same traumatic memory with each client. Clinicians following the research protocol are experiencing results equaling or surpassing the research findings of 92% elimination of symptoms. In late 2020 we expect to publish on result rates of certified clinicians.
What is the success rate of RTM Protocol™?
In four studies, 92% of subjects scored below diagnostic threshold for Post Traumatic Stress using PSS-I-5 instrument administered at least two weeks after the final treatment.
How long do the effects of RTM Protocol™ last?
We have formally followed participants in two studies for one full-year post-treatment with the majority of those contacted reported continued clearance of diagnosis with no symptoms related to the treated events. Through informal follow-ups, we have documented the stability of RTM-related change for up to five years. There is anecdotal evidence that a similar approach to phobias has maintained its efficacy for at least 15 years. For all intents and purposes, without reinstallation, the RTM Protocol™ results are permanent.
How will I know that it works?
Across the course of treatment, PSS-I-5 results will drop below diagnostic threshold. Within the RTM Protocol™ session Subjective Units of Distress Scores (SUDS) will drop to between zero and two on a 0 (low) to 10 (high) scale measuring intensity of emotion regarding fear, terror or helplessness. Clients will report fewer or absence of nightmares or flashbacks or both, and improved sleep.
Certification in RTM Protocol™
How do I get certified in RTM Protocol™?
Eligible clinicians participate in an RTM Protocol™ training course, then complete successful RTM Protocol™ administration on two clients (three sessions per client on the same traumatic memory). They then have a quick phone session with the certification coach, and receive their certification.
What support will I have after taking the training course?
Certification coaches respond to requests for support within 24 hours by video call, phone or email. On a private Facebook page clinicians can post questions, observations, suggestions. A periodic newsletter sent by email announces new developments and provides advanced information about RTM Protocol™. Certified coaches are available by email and Facebook and by appointment on phone and video call.
How much neurology do I have to understand to gain certification or administer RTM Protocol™?
None. The RTM Protocol™ is a standardized, stepwise approach that clinicians with effective client interaction skills can replicate with success.
What are the qualifications to be eligible to participate in a certification course?
At this time RTM Protocol™ certification is available to licensed mental health professionals and practitioners certified by state statute to treat clients.
Are scholarships available?
Scholarships are available, depending on current philanthropic support.
Indications and Contraindications of RTM Protocol™
What kind of client is suitable for RTM Protocol™?
Clients with a Post Traumatic Stress diagnosis or reporting symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress, or experience trouble with the memories of past events are candidates for RTM Protocol™.
Are there some clients who cannot do RTM Protocol™?
There are no known contraindications.
Does RTM Protocol™ work on people who are presently suicidal?
Gain approval from the client’s doctors before administering RTM Protocol™.
Will this work on someone who doesn’t want to participate?
RTM Protocol™’s effectiveness is independent of the client’s belief in its efficacy. When the client follows the clinician’s directions for the simple steps in the protocol, the client experiences success.
Can I use the RTM Protocol™ preventatively?
We are planning research on this application is planned for 2020.
How soon after their traumatic event can I treat a client?
Clinicians have seen success as soon as one sleep cycle after the client’s traumatic experience.
What is the minimum age for an appropriate client?
While we have not yet conducted studies on youth, certified clinicians have seen success with clients as young as 8 years old.
RTM Protocol™ in the Clinical Practice
How can I include RTM Protocol™ in my clinical practice?
Several clinics and clinicians certified in RTM Protocol™ have developed experience with this protocol in their practices. A few have developed a specialty in trauma practice based on RTM Protocol™ and greatly expanded their practice. We can put you in touch with certified clinicians to hear from them how RTM Protocol™ has enhanced their practice, grown their operation and brought additional dimensions to their practice.